In its 9 years of existence, the Jidar-Rabat Street Art Festival has changed the face of the capital. More than a hundred frescoes by leading Moroccan and foreign muralists have gradually transformed Rabat into an open-air urban art center. Now part of the international street art circuit, the city attracts artists from all over the world who not only know about Jidar, but ask to take part. A fine recognition for this festival born in 2015 as part of the “Rabat City of Light” program. The event, initiated by the EAC-L’BOULVART association in conjunction with the city of Rabat, has grown without ever deviating from its initial objective: to make Rabat a ground of expression for artists from all over the world but also the laboratory of a specifically Moroccan urban art.

En participant à ce festival ce sont des contraintes techniques que s’est confrontée l’artiste Meriam Benkirane. De deux murs distincts c’est une seule oeuvre qui émerge. Par ses rouages et ses formes colorées c’est le mouvement tout autant que le vivre-ensemble qu’elle symbolise. Cette fresque murale de 13 mètres par 11 mètres a nécessité deux semaines d’un travail minutieux et intense. Elle a vocation à être pérenne afin d’égayer le plus longtemps possible le quotidien des habitants et les balades des passants-spectateurs.



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